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How To Get Cashback On Every Purchase With Kyshi Connect

How To Get Cashback On Every Purchase With Kyshi Connect

By Godspower Ukachi  •  May 04, 2023  •  1 minute read mins

We recently released Cashback to help you save on daily, weekly, or monthly expenses with Kyshi Connect. In this article, we explain what Cashback is on Kyshi, and how it works to show you just how much you can save!

What Is Cashback On Kyshi?

Cashback on Kyshi is a feature that allows you to get back a percentage of the amount you spend to purchase any Nigerian product or service on Kyshi Connect. This amount is paid back into the wallet you used to make the purchase.

Currently, Kyshi’s cashback program covers all products and services featured on Kyshi Connect. You get cashback on Kyshi when you do the following:

  • Top-up Airtime

  • Subscribe to a data plan 

  • Purchase a health plan

  • Subscribe for cable TV

  • Pay electricity bills

  • Ship an item(s)

How does cashback work when you make these transactions on the Kyshi app? See details below.

How Cashback On Kyshi Works

Just like earlier said, when you transact with Kyshi Connect, you will receive a percentage of your money in the wallet you used to transact. It is important to note that once you complete the transaction, you will be notified of the cash back immediately. You can also see your cashback in your transaction history on the Kyshi App. 

Now, how does it actually work?

Airtime Cashback

When you buy airtime on Kyshi, you will receive a cashback value of 3% of your airtime amount.

Data Cashback

When you buy data on Kyshi, you will receive a cashback value of 3% of your transaction amount.

Health Plans Cashback

When you buy a health plan on Kyshi, you will receive a cashback value of 2% of your transaction amount.

Cable TV Cashback

When you subscribe for cable TV on Kyshi, you will receive a cashback value of 2% of your transaction amount.

Electricity Bill Payment Cashback

When you pay electricity bills with Kyshi, you will receive a cashback value of 0.5% of your transaction amount.

Shipping Cashback

When you pay for shipping with Kyshi, you will receive a cashback value of 5% of your transaction amount.


Cashback on Kyshi is one of the best and easiest ways to save money. Please note that you can enjoy cash back even when you make these purchases from the UK or with your GBP wallet. Buy a service or product on Kyshi Connect and get cashback immediately.

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